Video Premiere: Revulab – "Mexcellent"

Are these guys involved in some mexlluminati secret society plotting to conquer the Nortec monopoly of the mextech?

I really don’t know what’s the story behind this song or its video, but I somehow get the feeling there’s some hidden symbolism behind it. Sure, it might be just random stuff (triangles, explosions, mariachis) that looks cool when put together, but I’m sort of a conspiracy-theory freak and many times I see meaning where there’s none.

What’s clear to me, at least, is that these heirs to the Nortec throne have a knack for coining witty portmanteaus (their previous single was titled “Tijuanopolis,” this time around it’s “Mexcellent“). What Revulab lacks in crossover appeal and catchier tunes, the guys make up in their hypnotic mexidelia that somehow plays mind-tricks on me and turns me into a instant believer, and eager to join the cult.

[insert-video youtube=wLoc3wzAaFk]