It was just announced, Luís Alberto Spinetta died today. Last December, we posted that he was doing alright while getting treated for lung cancer, after he sent out that message to his fans through his son’s twitter account. His son, by the way, is no other than Dante Spinetta of the funk/rap duo Illya Kuryaki & The Valderramas.
Besides being the patriarch to a family of talented musicians, the Argentinian rocker is widely recognized as one of the pioneers of rock music in the Spanish language, with a career that goes all the way back to the ’60s, leading groups like Almendra, Pescado Rabioso and later Invisible and Jade.
He was 62 years old at the moment of his death (he celebrated his last birthday just a couple of weeks ago while going through cancer treatment) and left behind a compelling body of work, plus his indelible mark in Argentine rock all together, and Latin American rock by extension.
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