Part two of Selena: The Series premiered earlier this month on May 4. Since, the late Tejano music star’s music has seen a significant spike in views on YouTube. Let’s file this under “not surprising at all,” shall we? The numbers however are incredibly impressive.
Selena’s music catalog went up 70% in the days following the season 2 premiere.
This is the second bump Selena’s music has seen since the show started streaming on Netflix. During the airing of part 1 last year, the music star entered the Billboard Latin Pop Album Chart and climbed into the top 10 with her original series’ soundtrack.
Not only is the series allowing long-time fans to relive their favorite Selena music, but it also allows new fans to come along and discover the Grammy winner’s musical catalogue. “It confirms that great music is timeless and binds generations together,” said Francisco Ramos, VP of Content, Latin America at Netflix. He went on to tell Billboard that Selena, “transcends cultures, ages, and borders and it is amazing that new generations of fans are getting to know her and her music.”
Selena: The Series part one and two are currently streaming on Netflix. It chronicles the young Selena Quintanilla and her family in the early days through her murder in 1995. Her YouTube page has over a billion views with “Selena – Si Una Vez (Live From Astrodome)” garnering her most single video views at 130 million.