Video: Sexy Lucy – "Dynamite"

I’m speechless. The abundant literature on sexism, misogyny and the propagation of abuse towards woman in horror and action films might shy any over-sensitive viewer away from this intense little film. But, from that opening chainsaw massacre, subversive second that producers Los Notorios start shooting Las Lucys, like some Kill Bill badass gang of serial killer super models, you know you’re in for a twisted role reversal. The gender/women and film/media studies nerd in me knows, that this sexy little flick by Colombia’s Sexy Lucy is not only superbly shot but also brilliantly executed.

Bear with me while I get all art school academic on you for a sec. I have to note the importance of the gratuitous nudity and the fierceness of the lovely Lucy’s in this film as part of the reversal of the “gaze.” Whereas most horror films, and well most films and TV shows in general prefer the male gaze as the norm, the expected, and the ideal, the lethal Lucy’s in “Dynamite” glare back at the camera, stair down their arcane male counterparts, and dropkick those banal pervs into submission. We can only celebrate the roaring success of Riot Grrl punk rock, pop-punk and independent cinema at it’s best here. But beware: this video is deadly.

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