Free Download: Somvazio's "Pastilla" & "Triste Parada"

Since their first album, 2009’s Siguiendo la gota, Puerto Rican electro-rock band Somvazio (sound for a void) grew along side their record label AtrumOrbis. Infusing brit pop-rock and their PR politics, their second EP, Adictos al tiempo, sees a more mature and collected band contemplating time and its implications for the island’s socio-economic standing and its progenitor’s obsessions with progress.

Download the interval track “Pastilla” and the energetic “Triste parada,” available HERE from Somvazio’s April release of Adictos al tiempo. The last three minutes of the nine-minute “Triste parada” will surprise you with its crisp rock build up and its electro dance climax.

Photo by Naomy Q.