
Video: Technicolor Fabrics’ “Oasis”

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OK, someone gave me some bad intel because I thought these guys were done recording, writing, and performing for a while, now that the promotional end of IDEAS, their most recent album, has come to an end. BUT NO!!! They just had to go and sign up for the #CadaMesYMedio project that challenges artists to release a new song every month and a half (hence the name).

Technicolor Fabrics just released a song and video titled “Oasis” for this very project. The video finds Joaquin Martinez Negrete, Raul Cabrera, Juan Pablo L. Corcuera, Abraham Lopez, and Dan Salazar exploring a 19th century home in Estipac, Jalisco. The band eventually discovers a few hidden instruments and, next thing you know, everyone’s trippin’ the fuck out like the end sequence in 2001: A Space Odyssey. I haven’t seen lighting effects this great since that time I saw Daft Punk in LA a few years ago.

Check out the video below and mark your calendars for the end of May/beginning of June. That’s when Technicolor Fabric’s next month and a half track arrives.

[insert-video youtube=Gb_cNohFBO0]