Video/Free download: Tráfico – "Chinatown"

Spending a night walking around New York’s Chinatown can be quite a psychedelic experience. Maybe not as much as going to Tokyo’s porn district after dropping DMT, Enter The Void-style, but pretty close.

I really don’t know if that’s what these Uruguayans were trying to convey with this single, but the trippy video clearly points in that direction.

Tráfico is a relatively new Montevideo-based project — they only have a couple of singles out. They describe their peculiar style as cinematic dub jazz noise and I’d add some undeniable tango influence, noticeably on their lyrics and vocal delivery.

Talking about tango, Bajofondo‘s Gabriel Casacuberta produced this latest single, and if you pay close attention you can spot him playing the marimba on the video.

[insert-video youtube=bNYVQAjh0Ko]