Tune In: 'El Luchador' Premieres on MTV Tr3s

Twitter: @danieluh

Although still not a mainstream sport in the U.S., the leotard-clad, flamboyantly masked luchadores of lucha libre are instantly recognizable. Apart from Jack Black’s comedy, Nacho Libre,we have yet to see a big exposure of the sport in media, but the culture, intrigue and sheer entertainment of lucha libre is slowing making its way into the American sphere. And once again, proving that Latinos are TAKING OVER THE WORLD. (Kidding, not kidding.)

On Sunday, March 10th at 8 p.m., MTV Tr3s  premiered ‘El Luchador,’ a unique docu-reality series that follows the lives of 4 of Mexico’s most famous lucha libra stars: Felino, Shocker, Magnus and Rey Bucanero. You can follow the seasoned luchadores (and the newbie, Magnus) as they train, enter new leagues, have family dramas, and of course FIGHT.

The weekly series enters during an interesting time in the development of lucha libre in the States. News recently broke that entertainment group, FactoryMade Ventures, has inked a deal to bring Mexico’s largest wrestling league, Lucha Libre AAA, to the U.S. This could lead to massive pay-per-view events and a home at El Rey, an English language Latino network in development with director Robert Rodriguez.

You can catch El Luchador every Sunday at 8 p.m., and if you don’t have Tr3s, episodes will be available online. You can also find a free download of El Luchador’s series theme, by Mexico City group “El Conjunto Nueva Ola,” HERE!

Do you think El Luchador will open doors for the sport? Are you happy to see lucha libre coming to the mainstream media in the U.S.? Let us know!