At just the right time, the outspoken Boricua duo Calle 13 punches us in the face with another reality check. Very well done! This year’s 9-time Latin Grammy winners find a beautiful balance shedding light on Latin America’s disenfranchised classes, the exploitation of youth and partnering with UNICEF, MTV Latin America, and Tr3s in the “MTV Exit” campaign. From their sensational 4th album Entren los que Quieran, “Prepárame la Cena,” exquisitely harmonized by PG-13, is a thought-provoking and emotion-evoking track that chronicles the life and societal treatment of a poor struggling child who’s childhood is robbed because he’s forced to leave home to make ends meet — a messed up and oppressing reality among marginalized impoverished classes, and as to perhaps why these kids are portrayed as old people in the video. “Si mis tristezas te causan alegría es porque tus reglas son distintas a las mías.” We applaud!
[insert-video youtube=4E1vIbuWJ0U#!]