Video: Carla Morrison's Taping of “Déjenme Llorar” Ep. 1

Déjenla llorar y déjenla cantar! Latin Grammy nominee Carla Morrison is back and brought every ounce of melancholic longing along with her. Our favorite singer-songwriter from Tecate releases her latest single, “Déjenme Llorar” on iTunes (US and Mex) off her upcoming full-length, debut LP, also the title track, which features a guest appearance by Leonel Garcia (formerly of Sin Banderas), produced by Andrés Landon and Juan Manuel Torreblanca.

The title alone should ring alarm bells: this one’s also going to be a weeper. However, where the songs on her previous EP’s focused on the pain of lost love and the whirlwind of emotions caused by it, “Déjenme Llorar” has found a way to alleviate that pain. Will this be Carla’s “Sea Change” moment? We’ll find out early next year.

She also kicks off with a new video series Taping of Déjenme Llorar which shows you the behind the scenes of making the tracks — filmed in her own home in Tecate by Jesús Vásquez of Artilería. Watch the first episode here:

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