
Video: Checkpoint Guanabana’s "Maria Majao"

María Majao” is about mother earth, the “Pachamama,” calling us, everybody, to unite and come back to her. At least that’s what they claim, because by watching the video I couldn’t tell, there’s nothing hippieish about it. This mother earth, for some reason, wears colorful raver wigs and dances her ass off in a Berlin basement to a funky “merengón.”

It wasn’t too long ago that we introduced you to Checkpoint Guanabana, the new ambassadors in Germany of the Colombian electrovacilón pioneered by the likes of Bomba Estéreo. This is already their second video single and they still don’t have any official releases out, something I hope they rectify soon. In the meantime, we can keep on dancing to this and join the cumbiadelic love parade.

[insert-video youtube=1R60SWIlnhE]