Video: Chinese Christmas Cards' "Dreams"

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In an age where art image making and abstract nothingness can seem to take over our lives, Chinese Christmas Cards has managed to seamlessly synch their candy pop song with an even more Never Ending Story meets hipster swag arbitrariness. Their ironic band name always makes me want take out, even despite the fact that well, I’m sure some Chinese Christian converts (if they exist) may actually celebrate Christmas too. I literally just woke up from a really strange dream where apparently some old people were hiding secret Nazi furniture in their house and my ex just happened to be walking around the streets of Mexico and bumps into me.

Unlikely as these torments may be, they seem all the more real, but absolutely conquerable with the uplifting dream-scape presented in CCC’s new video. Barcelona’s CCC means business with this dreamy ditty, as their optimism infects your morning nightmares and plops an ice-cream cone right in the middle of your forehead, make sure you savor the little triumphs and sublet wonders of life. The video promises that you too can make music in your sleep and slam dunk over all your demon bullies and maybe, just maybe find love at the end of it all. Sign me up. And I have to stand by my previous affirmation, the guy on the keyboard is hot… but I wouldn’t mind the nerdy outcast in their video either, because yeah, nerds totally have those muscles and always dip me into a fantasy kiss too. They don’t do the same for you?

Slip into a dream works with Chinese Christmas Cards (via Mushroom Pillow) this holiday season.

[insert-video youtube=8-XssX_mvX4]