
Video: Dani Umpi's "Sambayon" [URU]

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Sambayón is a popular dessert in many places throughout South America, but especially in Argentina and Uruguay, where the Italian influence is more noticeable (the actual Italian name is zabaglione).

That’s as much as I can help you when it comes to understanding the symbolism in this video. You’re on your own. Uruguay’s Dani Umpi became known as an indie electro-pop, ambiguous divo, pretty much in the same category as Argentina’s Leo García and Chile’s Alex Anwandter. However, in his most recent work, he’s been diving deeper into his kinky unconscious and exploring his most bizarre sides, disregarding his initial intention of making us dance.

Sambayón” may be one of the most extreme examples of this, going beyond kitsch and into the flat-out absurd and grotesque, almost entering two-girls-one-cup territory. Lady Gaga is as innocent as Dora The Explorer compared to Umpi. But the genius is not exclusively in the visuals. The witty song lyrics include some of the best lines recently written in the Spanish language (“how great are those new bands you downloaded from that blog that you criticized so much”). As a bonus, at the end (if you make it until the end, that is) there’s a recipe to make sambayón in your own kitchen, but for some reason, the recipe is in Portuguese. Go figure.

[insert-video youtube=RmSPBNJqasQ]