Free Download: Disco Ruido's "Morfeo" (& video)

I’m walking with a new friend in delegación Cuauhtémoc and was suddenly floored by this monumental, abandoned building flowering with a decayed art deco facade. The building bolsters its name over chained doors, cardboard boxes where the Mexico City’s multitude of homeless occasionally make refuge, and the old wheat paste posters rip and faintly echoe forgotten memories. Two giant angels watch over the building’s unused billboard on the small side street just a block down from calle San Cosme’s busy street vendors and heavy traffic. The world stood still, as I gawk in awe at such an archaic marvel of architecture withering before me. This epic structure, this monument to the economic collapse of México and the rest of the developing world used to be a grand opera house. My art friend and I keep waking past, and one of us says, man I’d love to get in there and take some pictures.

Well, looks like director Humberto Hinojosa beat us to the punch, using the famous and un-picturesque, Cine Ópera as the perfect location for his darkly beautiful video to Disco Ruido‘s recent single “Morfeo.” I was going to write this blurb about the resounding metaphors to Morpheus and the splendid imagery in Disco Ruido’s melodic-trance, but once I realized after some suspicion throughout my several views of the video and a coincidental confirmation via the blogosphere, this epic video and it’s morbidly subtle (watch closely) digital affects, were in fact filmed at the glorious local I so curiously wanted to enter. Like a secret behind a locked door, Morfeo seduces with all the mystery and ghosts of the grand old opera house on Calle Serapio Rendon.

Disco Ruido just dropped the 4-track single with remixes of “Morfeo” as well as “Amorfos” featuring She’s a Tease, Yamil Rezc, and more. Click HERE for your FREE Download.

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