
Video: fAi's Pop-Heavy "Sol," Produced by Hector "Stone Tape" Hernandez [P.R.]

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Puerto Rican artist/producer Hector “Stone Tape” Hernandez just threw the music world a curve ball with his latest musical endeavor. His debut self-titled EP was six tracks of pop mixed with chamber, goth, industrial, and other wonderful ’80s music. This time, he’s dropping it all in favor of some of the poppiest pop music that’s ever popped a pop, with fAi.

The group is the collaboration between Hernandez and singer Beatriz FaĆ­sca. The video for “Sol” follows her as three of her friends try to cheer her up following a breakup, but the entire aesthetic, video and music, is so damn pop (I’m sure it bleeds cotton candy if you cut it) that I’m surprised she’s ever had a bad day in her life.

[insert-video youtube=PT4PEBv_whE]