Video + Free Download: Raul Y Mexia’s “Las Escondidas”

For every two or three stories about awesome and joyous quinceañera fiestas, there’s also one story about a disastrous one. The band is late and/or terrible, the dad got too borracho on tequila, the chambelan got caught with another chick, etc. The new video by Raul Y Mexia begins with a disastrous quinceañera party until the techno-cumbia duo show up to save the day.

“Las Escondidas” is the new video from Raul Y Mexia, sons of Los Tigres Del Norte member Hernán Hernández. It starts off hilariously with the world’s worst DJ on the turntables and la quinceañera crying her eyes out because her well-meaning papa screwed it all up. Thankfully, our heroes/singers show up to save the day and there’s hella ranchera-swing dancing on the dance floor going off.

The tongue-in-cheek antics, complete with animated scenes, of the video is perfect for this dance track produced by Toy Selectah.

Check out the video below and don’t forget to swing by their facebook page and download another track, “Solo Para Ti,” for free.

[insert-video youtube=ydIVy7wqGZQ]