Video/Free Download: Simpson Ahuevo – "Méxtasis"

Mexico DF’s Simpson Ahuevo loves the ladies, especially if they’re exposed in their underwear. Remember last time we featured him here, he was having some hot brunette eating a cheeseburger on webcam while showing off her red bra. This time around, he has a masked blonde dancing provocatively next to him and covering herself with the Mexican flag while she gets naked for no good reason other than pleasing the male viewers and the ego of the rapper. It doesn’t really add to the narrative of the video or the lyrics about meeting a girl and making out with her while on ecstasy (hence the wordplay on the title, get it?).

I know some feminists and advocates of political correctness are gonna hate on this redundantly machista video. The rest of us can enjoy the excess of eye candy (be honest, nobody would stay and watch the video until the end if it was just the guy rapping and doing those funny faces all by himself) and the killer funky bass-line.

[insert-video youtube=mJ9IHaKT6I4]

Simpson Ahuevo – Mextasis by Sicario Music