Having rocked Lollapalooza Chile this year and star lighting Vive Latino in México, Javiera Mena may or may not be lost in the big bad D.F. hanging out with the likes of Punto Beat. But that’s neither here nor there. The point is that since her 2006 debut Esquemas Juveniles and her sky rocketing sophomore release Mena (2010), the mineral named singer/songwriter, fashionista, and glittering Chilena wields swords and dazzling accessories in her video “Primera Estrella.” With mod-’80s in the air and a synth intro to rival the best of her own idols, the Petshop Boys and Erasure, this shameless mirror effect Macbook-graphics video would assure the lateral growth of any budding pop-starlet. If the Never Ending Story-esque face jewelry and polka dot band mates obscured in the backdrop of her lethal karate chop dance moves aren’t enough to entice you, nothing will.
[insert-video youtube=72HGD6JTugs]