Julieta has always been a heartfelt and emotional singer. It seems that with every breath she exudes sentiment and wisdom. On this touching track we see a humble Julieta quaintly seated at her piano, belting her usual pithy refrains and eloquent expletives on life. When life gets you down, and the beauty of the little things in life aren’t enough to spark a smile, think of all those people in your life that have touched you in a meaningful and uplifting manner. Edging on depression and epiphany this video captures a very organic and orchestral movement to life. Why is it that everything seems prettier in slow motion? Well, the answer is made ever apparent on this Juliet Venegas video. It’s because when you slow down the rushing pace of life, you see the fine details of a face, the wisping motion of someone’s hair in the wind, and all the other delicate splendors that make this world worth while.
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