
Video: Kokoshca’s “Directo a tu corazón” [ESP]

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Warning: NSFW vampire images ahead. Remember when Dracula and vampire movies had a strong sexual connotation? If you don’t, you needn’t worry. Spanish band Kokoshca are here to remind you.

For the video of their song “Directo a tu corazón,” from their latest album Hay una luz (2013, Ayo Silver), directors Víctor Iriarte and Andrea Morán perfectly put together an amazing collage of bits from old vampire movies, following a classic narrative: the vampire emerges from a coffin, he/she creeps behind and bites the victim, sucks the blood, and gets killed with a wooden stake straight to the heart. And, of course, there’s a lot of eroticism and bloodbaths right in the middle. Very fitting visuals for a ’60s-inspired pop song that talks about religion and sex in a suggestive way as well.

Sink your fangs into the “Directo a tu corazón” video below. And see if you can spot Chiquito de la Calzada as Conde Brágula. “Amor es mort.”

[insert-video youtube=nqysTGY6yzA]

(Photo by Ana Osés)