Video: Live-action animation collide in Los Violetas’ “Televisores”

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Way back in February of this year, we told you about Las Violetas’ awesome single “Televisores.” We also asked you to return the following month for the scoop on the video for said single. Well, we have no clue what happened between then and now but, the video is finally out almost nine months later.

The video was made by Pedro Bernardo Justiniano who produced, directed, animated and edited the whole package! It’s an impressive mix of animation and live-action reminiscent of Capcom’s Viewtiful Joe video game with its flat, 2D backgrounds. Band members Auro Luviluz and Fiona Shekuby trade verbal jabs about their complicated relationship (don’t worry kiddos, it’s all fiction) while they flip through channel after channel of static on television. Poor Johnny K-Maleonic gets caught in the middle!

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