Jaime Martinez casts spells on Lorelle Meets The Obsolete's "These Days"

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Oh boy! I’m glad I was forced out of a strangers bed at 6 AM, just to get to blurb about this elegant number and even more magical video this fine morning. This is one of the ballsiest videos I’ve ever seen. Just imagine eating an ice-cream cone while walking backwards as somebody films you from in front. I’m gonna just assume our favorite VICE approved band photographer and aficionado music video director, Jaime Martinez is actually not going to leave his main gig as a visionary image maker. It seems with his natural eye for striking beauty and the right setting, he’s gonna just keep surprising us with outstanding visuals that captivate as much as they provoke. It’s no small feat, casting a tranquil walk down el D.F.’s famous Francisco Madero commercial strip in reverse. This video is casually seductive, mature and sophisticated while remaining playful and romantically naive. Set along an incredible shoegaze ballet, on par with the theatrical nuance of Cat Power, Lorrelle Meets The Obsolete may be my new favorite band. Their single “These Days” deserves nothing better than the trained eye of a wizard, and Mr. Martinez sure whipped up a magic spell on this little ditty, giving a whole new meaning to shoegaze. Watch your step.

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