Since 2009, Los Petardos! have been hard at work to become one of the Puerto Rican rock scene’s most beloved bands. Their shows are insanely fun and so is their music: a mixture of criollo skate punk and teenage antics. To drive their point home, the band from the mountain town of Moca just released their video for “Canción de la Calle” off their self-titled album. People, the revolution has started. Esto se jodió.
The video is introduced by a punk in a pava-–a straw hat—riding a skateboard through a riverside highway and speeding dangerously toward the rumble. This is the battle cry, as Los Petardos! welcome us to their own little revolution that includes fighting three groups: Los Pica-Pica dressed as the traditional vejigantes (with three-horned masks); Los Milkey Buey’s, a bunch of guys in hilarious cow costumes; and the Jibaro Calavera, the crew which the skater belongs to. I won’t tell you who wins, but the war involves lots of frontin’, a circle jerk under a bridge, nature, and Molotov cocktails. It’s fitting as the song is about the on-going war on the streets and our society’s crippling materialism.
You can head on over to their SoundCloud page to hear the record and grab “Canción de la Calle” as a free download.
[insert-video youtube=1gYFcgVrUwo]