
Video: Los Tetas are back with "El Movimiento" [CHL]

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The band with the best name ever conceived, Los Tetas, is back. After a seven-year-long hiatus and a few solo ventures, the Chilean funk pioneers got together for a one-time reunion show in 2011 and ended up deciding to get back together for good to record a whole new album.

You may not remember this, but back in 1994 these guys were playing funk en español, in an era when basically nobody in mainstream Latin America knew what funk meant (people used to always confuse them with a punk band!). Another detail few outside Chile know is that the now-beloved female rapper Ana Tijoux had her professional recording debut as a guest on Los Tetas’ second album, La Medicina, back in 1997.

But enough with the history lesson, the band led by C-Funk and TeaTime has reunited and they have a new funky video for the first single off their recently released EP (available exclusively in Chile, so far). There’s a full-length album in the works as we speak with who knows what surprises. In the meantime, let’s move our favorite body parts to the irresistible rhythm on “El Movimiento.”

[insert-video youtube=cs_hmKyH4cg]