
Video: Los Verdaderos Cabrera’s “La Espera del Vaivén” [CHL]

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All those telenovelas have nothing on Los Verdaderos Cabrera’s newest video for “La Espera del Vaivén,” the first single off their homonymous album. The track-–an ode to back-and-forth lovers—gets the cinematic treatment, complete with ominous shots of dense forests and enough digging and screaming to let you know that, by the end of this video, someone’s not going to make it out alive.

It’s the age-old story of betrayal and vengeance at its most cowardly: a passionate sexual encounter gone horribly awry. We never know the reasons or prior actions of either of the protagonists; all we get to see are the expressions of horror and pain on their faces accented by Los Verdaderos Cabrera’s dense ballad, full of dramatic wails and heavy guitars.

Under Luciano Rubio’s direction, the video has the quality of a short film with beautiful photography, great acting, and a story about jealousy and domestic violence all too common to ignore. The difference is that none of the details are presented as morbid. There is not a drop of blood or a gun in sight; yet the vulnerability and the passive aggressiveness of the characters inside the cabin serve as constant warning signs. Rubio was delicate enough in treating his subjects and subtle enough to let us figure out the story on our own.

I can confidently say Los Verdaderos Cabrera’s video will rattle many nerves, but “La Espera del Vaivén” is a gem that must not go ignored.

[insert-video youtube=cL2BIzx-BbQ]