
Video: Los Waldners Share a Poolside Preview of their Forthcoming Album [C.R.]

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One might think it’s kind of ironic that the world famous Costa Rican beach is looking pretty gloomy in this video. Though simply a coincidence, the slightly foreboding setting could be seen as a metaphor for what Los Waldners is all about– happy songs with an anxious vibe.

This cloudy beach is the scenario where Luis Carballo (vocals/guitarrist) and Andrea San Gil (drummer/backup singer) have presented us with a pair of new tracks. “Perritos” is a song Luis wrote after visiting a dog shelter, and “Periodistas” will likely be part of the band’s next record in the works.

I don’t really know what Luis is trying to say with “Periodistas,” and since asking would kill his natural ambiguity, I’ll give you some ideas: A) he’s really anxious about this new relationship and needs a crew of journalists to figure out exactly what’s going on; B) he’s saying that journalism–much like love–can work from a distance, or C) all of the above, in his signature playful tone (is he a solid writer or what?).

Enjoy these two home recorded videos in anticipation of Los Waldners’ forthcoming LP2.

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