Video: Maluca & The PartySquad's "Lola (ging danga)"

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When I first heard Maluca in Chicago, I think I jumped up on top of my work desk and started grinding my laptop. The energy and excitement surrounding this femme fatale is astounding. Repping all the ghetto-superstars, call girls, and people living poor (not more poor like a fly on a budget), Maluca may wax silly poetics, but her mission is dead on. Her style is all New York and then some, while goofing it up like a pro. She reminds me of this Puerta Rican girl JeseƱa from grammar school, the baddest, flyest, funniest, most down to earth, and of course popular girl in our grade. You could sit next to her, cheat off her spelling test and never feel like you were gonna get picked on by a mean girl. That’s exactly who Maluca and her music is, it’s ghetto-fabulous with that special touch of sincerity. This vid is another proof of her starlet tack and tactic, represent the real. Her motif, hyper-real, intensified everyday nonsense. Just the way we like it.

Watch Maluca and The PartySquad shake it up “Lola (Ging Danga),” and call that number, girl’s waiting.

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