Matilda Manzana’s new video “Ciencias Naturales” begins with the question, “¿que somos?” Based on the images and many random items used throughout the video, they are reliving their childhood memories via collected toys and kitschy bric-a-brac from years long gone but not forgotten. Some of the items are just displayed in their natural state throughout the room while others are placed on screen by band members and they really lend themselves to the bedroom surreal pop they create.
The room seems like the kind of room that Matilda Manzana would live in, colorful, kitschy, yet modern and playful. Just about everything on the screen from the treasure troll dolls to the old Maná CD to the old-school 3-D View Finder will most likely trigger memories of your more careless , youthful days and even your childhood. At the end of the video, after seeing the myriad of items with so many embedded memories, the words “Todo Esto” state that we are indeed a collection of all these items.
You can download Matilda Manzana’s full album, Conjuntos Cartográficos, at your own price, which can be free, or if you want to support the group you can enter whatever amount you want to.
[insert-video youtube=i4zFwaG1jno]