
Video: Molotov’s “Animo Delincuencia” [MEX]

Molotov has been pretty quiet over the past few years, at least musically. The chilangos haven’t released any new music since 2007’s Eternamiente…well, until recently. Fans got their first taste of the as-yet-untitled new album scheduled for release, uh, eventually, with “Animo Delincuencia.”

The band turned to its frequent collaborator Olallo Rubio (responsible for Gimme The Power and, most recently, Ilusión Nacional) for the video which features Randy Ebrard doing his best Joey Ramone impersonation. “La banda nunca iba quedarse quieta para siempre,” he sings in a nod to all y’all wondering what was up with the band.

The video takes Rock & Roll High School to an extreme with scenes of youngsters from the ’70s (check out that hair!) causing a ruckus, rousing a rabble, and scaring old ladies by loitering, smoking, and setting some guy on fire.

[insert-video youtube=Npr9OBKzToU]