
Video: Mon Laferte's "Lo Que Pido" [CHL]

Chilean singer and Mexican resident Mon Laferte keeps collecting critical acclaim off her breakthrough solo album, Tornasol. Recently she unveiled its fourth single, “Lo que pido,” a declaration of freedom with a catchy, rocking melody.

Visually, this video feels like a continuation of her previous work for Tornasol’s opening single, “Ángel Negro,” but with more urban aesthetics. Mon Laferte walks fearlessly beside graffiti-covered walls on busy streets, all dressed up in bright garments and dancing like your next-door glam rocker. She’s the spotlight, the life of the night, and a female with enough attitude to go out there and take what she wants.

[insert-video youtube=q-is4aJYUQk]

Download Mon Laferte’s Tornasol below: