Remezcla Presents: Guadalajara's alt rockers Movus

A few weeks ago, Guadalajara’s up and coming psych rock quintet (they came as a quartet) graced us at our Williamsburg office, the day after their performance with Sacramento’s Sister Crayon and San Diego-based The Album Leaf at Le Poisson Rouge. Upon checking out the band, Matt (Remezcla City Editor), Chris (Graphic Design Intern) and I thought: Yo, how cool it would be to have the guys come over to the office and film them with five iPhones, DIY style, while they play an acoustic set. Well, the whole five iPhone thing didn’t work out as planned, but we still got to film Movus rocking out to some tunes off their recently released EP, The Death of Love (via Arts & Crafts MX), and we got to chat with the band too about Huichol culture, their first single “Maze” (which you’ll see and hear in the video), and their EP debut.

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