
Video: Napoleón Solo's "Ramira" [ESP]

I often judge songs by whether or not I can safely dance the Carlton to them. In my esteemed judgment, I find that I can indeed Carlton to the bouncy new track from Napoleón Solo, “Ramira.” The song is no-nonsense, straight-forward, and unapologetic for its controlled, winky lightness, and, as such, it’ll be blasted at Barcelonian beach parties for however long the human race has left on this earth.

Ah, the video. If only flowers actually produced sounds when you bat at them like a cat. For three minutes of the six-minute video, we follow our heroine who escapes the tedium of her father’s house (great fake mustache, by the way) by hopping in a stranger’s mini and lightning out-ing to the territories. I won’t spoil the end for you, but, rest assured, there is a certain scrawny singer where the rainbow ends. Oh, and the rest of the video is credits.

[insert-video youtube=sQ0DL4y4xmE]

Download Napoleon Solo’s Chica Disco below: