
Video: Nubes En Mi Casa's Nature Odyssey in "Los Gigantes" (feat. El Robot Bajo El Agua) [ARG]

Me suelto y vuelvo, the second album by Argentinian band Nubes en mi casa, was released back in early 2012 through Molécula Records, and it still sounds as good as it did back then. Two years later, we get the video of their marvelous collaboration with El Robot Bajo El Agua, titled “Los Gigantes,” and it’s a delight.

Directed by María Paula Arenas, the video is basically a juxtaposition of nature images and footage, which creates very interesting visual effects and textures. Josefina Mac Loughlin, the singer, stars in the video alongside a cute little kid. She carelessly walks, plays, and sings throughout the video. That’s until the dark, evil section of the song comes in, fire comes out, and everything turns a little creepy for a couple of seconds. Great editing job to accompany this precious little indie pop gem.

[insert-video youtube=gYTQZCuDoWA]