
Video: Patokai's Electro-Punk Journey Through Nighttime Buenos Aires in "B.A. Trash" [ARG]

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Patokai takes us on a violent, nighttime tour through the streets of downtown Buenos Aires and the (fictitious) gangs and tribes battling for urban supremacy, while the soundtrack goes from vintage tango to something that sounds like electro-punk from the early ’80s en espaƱol (and back to tango).

On its extended version, the video plays like a short movie (English subtitles included) that’s basically a tribute to the 1979 cult classic “The Warriors” set in Argentina’s capital, and seen from the point of view of Big Brother’s security cameras. Exciting!

Of course, I’m totally biased here, because I spent many nights of my youth on those same streets in situations that were not so different, but I loved this video so much that I had to watch it twice in a row, and I’m going for a third as soon as I finish writing this.

If you don’t feel that kind of sympathy for the topic and you’re too impatient for a 8:55-minute-long video, don’t worry, I got you covered– just skip to the 4:10 minute mark and leave before the two-minute long rolling credits kick in at the end.

[insert-video youtube=X6obnwbZlHs]