
Video: Poncho’s “The New World” ft. Astro's Andres Nusser [ARG/CHL]

Argentine electronic music trio Poncho (Javier Zuker, Leandro Lopatín, and Fabián Picciano) continue to make a name for themselves with yet another hella artistic video.

The New World,” featuring Astro’s Andres Nusser, is not a nod to European dreams of conquest but, rather, a study in how far some dudes will go to get a girl’s attention. The film’s “hero” arrives at a lair and takes a beating from a half-dozen different enemies one at a time. He returns each time after a video-game-style transition with added protection until he can stand no more and the happy ending takes a sinister twist.

The video by TurboTrueno is actually quite tame and not as epilepsy-inducing as some of Poncho’s other videos, such as the faux Viagra infomercial of “Ipsoch Piano” or the black-and-white kaleidoscope rush of “Himno.”

[insert-video youtube=LUNUoVAR6ws]

Download Poncho’s Carnaval below: