Video: Portugal's "Nuestro Momento"

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Desde el puerto de San Antonio, the Chilean band by the curious name Portugal sets their shoegaze harmonics and friendly, boy next door rock in full swing with their debut video “Nuestro Momento.” The first single for Viajes de memoria, their first released album on Sello Azul places these mellow rockers into a global running. Chile has pumped out some of the best indie music in the past 5 years, and we hope that Portugal is in it for the long haul. Their particular brand of soft chord pop is perfectly incapsulated in their new video, where innocence, love, and optimism play in the streets along side the artistic and subtly political mobilization of a march. Among the ticker-tape and police guard, there is a sense of a new and vitalized Chile. The video was bravely filmed at the July 7, 2011 student protest, where mobilizers banned together for a higher quality of education. Talking about the two young actors in the video, director Moisés Sepúlveda audaciously said, “If they’re arrested we’ll see how we can get them out.”

Follow these young lovers as they bravely stroll through the streets of Santiago, Chile in Portugal’s new video for “Nuestro Momento.” Proving, it truely is “our time.”