
Video Premiere: Dementira's "20012011" [CHL]

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Ariel Altamirano founded and manages Discos Pegaos, one of our favorite netlabels in the Chilean musical avant garde. But besides being always on the search for new, ground-breaking artists, he also produces his own music under the alias Dementira.

It’s been over three years since his latest EP, Chimpancé, which was also the label’s second release, and now Dementira is ready for a brand new opus to be titled Sucedáneo.

20012011” is the first single off it and it’s a throwback to classic sampleadelia and instrumental hip-hop from the late ’90s/early ’00s.
The retro-futuristic video was directed by Rosario González who has worked for Javiera Mena, Gepe, and Dënver, among other Chilean luminaries.

[insert-video youtube=DrdricBOi10]