
Video: RVSB’s “Cruz Del Sur” [CHL]

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Admit it: you played with the iMac camera for hours on end when it first came out years ago. One of the effects that almost everyone I know toyed around with the most was the split-screen kaleidoscope effect. I still have no idea how it works but always considered it nothing more than a passing novelty. Then came this video by RVSB.

RVSB is the now-official name for the long-running partnership between DJ Raff and Latin Bitman (Raff V/S Bitman). The duo released its debut album, RVSB, just a few months ago and, unfortunately, it’s kind of flown beneath people’s radars. Hopefully, the video for single “Cruz Del Sur” will change all that. The video, which utilizes a split-screen kaleidoscope effect, is as psychedelic and hypnotic as the duo’s beats and samples. Ayahuasca not necessary.

[insert-video youtube=cI3TuiFvsr8]

Download RVSB’s “RVSB” below: