People that are old enough to have been active consumers of hip-hop during the ’90s refer to those years as The Golden Age, arguably because that’s when most of the best albums in the history of the genre were released, and also because rap music wasn’t yet as coopted by the corporate mainstream as it is now.
Seo2 is one of those people. He started rapping in Santiago de Chile in the mid-’90s as soon as he returned to his homeland, after growing up in exile during Pinochet’s regime. He soon found another likeminded child of the exile in Ana Tijoux and they formed Makiza, releasing an album in 1999 that’s still considered a landmark for all Latin American hip-hop.
While his former partner-in-rhyme gone solo got all the international attention in recent years, Seo2 kept it real by solidifying his relationship to Santiago’s hip-hop underground and reminiscing over the good old days of idealized hip-hop purity. That’s exactly what he does in “La Edad de Oro,” rapping over a human beat-box beat (to make it even more old school), while he walks around the city that gave birth to his adoptive culture.
[insert-video youtube=76F-mex9CfY]