
Video: Soledad Velez’s "Homeless"

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If you have two minutes today—or even if you don’t—use those two minutes wisely and watch Chilean folk singer Soledad Vélez’s most recent video for “Homeless,” off her album Wild Fishing (2012, Absolute Beginners). The black-and-white clip shows us five frames of Soledad: two that focus on her pout, two on her sleepy eyes, and one central image that features all of her. As we’ve learned from videos of the past (e.g. Sinéad O’Connor, D’Angelo, Beyoncé, etc.), it takes some bravery—or maybe a fair dose of arrogance for some—to let the camera rest on you in such a close-up manner. Pair that with “Homeless,” an incredibly bare-bones song about feeling homeless after a dysfunctional relationship, and you’ve got some real honesty being explored in two minutes.

[insert-video youtube=-CjGQqPhs2U]