
Watch Elegante & La Imperial's "Puro Comer" Video, Out On Dengue Dengue Dengue!'s Imprint Auxiliar [PER]

Sometimes you just gotta give in to your primal needs: food and sex. Also, for some of us, dancing cumbia is right up there too. Peru’s Daniel Martinetti, who produces electronic music under the name of Elegante & La Imperial knows a thing or two about that magic combo and putting those three ingredients together he accomplished one of the most visually enticing videos I’ve seen in a while.

Working over a classic chicha break from Juaneco & Su Combo he built this irresistibly hypnotic ñu-cumbia titled “Puro Comer,” included in his latest release El Sonido De Las Lobas, out on Auxiliar (that’s Dengue Dengue Dengue’s imprint). Then he got Mikael Stornfelt, the director of the acclaimed “Simiolo” (Remezcla’s Best Video of 2012) to mix in the visuals of hot fruits and delicious girls (or is it the other way around?) and voilà, I don’t know if I’m hungry or horny or both, but I just wanna go dance cumbia.

[insert-video youtube=-RXtRTzwpII]