
Your Mix Fix: Acorde On

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The word mixtape has plenty of different interpretations. It used to be that mixtapes were actually DJ sets recorded on cassette tapes, but with the coming of the digital music age, the name remained the same, but the definition expanded. Nowadays, people call mixtapes many different things, some of which are not necessarily mixed and most of which were never taped. Here we try to cover them all. In this column, Juan Data gives you a worthy one every week.

DJ: Acorde On
MIXTAPE: Los Annales de la Discoteque

Last time we featured Acorde On in this weekly column was almost three years ago (yeah, sometimes I too am amazed that this column has lasted that long), so I felt it’d be appropriate to bring him back. He’s been very active during this time, working on his mashups (or as he calls them, “popurris”), designing zebra masks to help keep his identity secret and tweaking hardware to create his own controllers for his live shows.

In his latest mixtape, Acorde On pays tribute to his disco influences, seamlessly blending the new and the old, the original and the remixed, featuring plenty of über-familiar tunes by the likes of Kinky, Michael Jackson, Daft Punk, and Blondie, with some more underground stuff like Chico Sonido, Disque DJ, and Acorde On himself. Forty minutes total of disco dancing, so bring out your bell bottom pants and platform shoes and hustle on down the dance floor.

Los Annales de la Discoteque by Acorde On on Mixcloud