YouTube Weekly Wrap-Up: Radiohead Cumbia & El Michael!

In case you thought frat boys and the Japanese had a monopoly on YouTube craziness/silliness/stupidity, we here at Remezcla wanted to set the record straight. Latinos can be idiots on video, too—sí se puede! Here’s our roundup of what Latinos are up to on the web. Some videos are old, some are new, but one video will always be Luis Miguel. Just ’cause.

This week: Thom Yorke embraces his inner cumbia diva, El Michael gets down, and yes, of course, LuisMi.


The video for Radiohead’s new track Lotus Flower is just Thom Yorke dancing, which is automatic YouTube remix gold.

Cumbiahead? Is the Williamsburg Salsa Orchestra paying attention?


Or, if your tastes are more. Um. Urban?


This is not okay.



We feel the need. The need…for LuisMi.