
Awwz’s Sensuous R&B Vibes Get Flipped For The Dance Floor in Optmst’s Remix

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Look what the new year brought! It’s a new remix of Barcelona-based producer Awwz‘s track “GALS“! This free download is yet another version of the only track released to date by the producer, who was included in our Five Female Beatmakers to Watch in 2015 list. This time, Spanish artist Joan Sala, of YALL and Chinese Christmas Cards, was the one in charge to reinterpret the song, and he sure flipped its hazy, sensuous R&B vibes in favor of an upbeat piano house sound. Sure, he kept key elements from the original, like the vocal samples, but this remix goes in a different direction, taking it straight to the dance floor. You can feel a slight difference of the harmony through the piano chords, and it ends up sounding more basic but also more effective.

GALS EP is out now on Freshmore.