
Carla Morrison’s “Azúcar Morena” Video is a Lesson in Eyefucking

Carla Morrison has had a jam-packed year so far, playing Coachella, Ruido Fest, and Mexico’s Pa’l Norte — but she’s slowing things down just a bit with her new video for “Azúcar Morena,” which premiered yesterday. The song is off her latest album, Amor Supremo.

For this release, Morrison once again teams up with Broducers, the Mexican creative agency and sibling duo behind the “Vez Primera” video she debuted four months ago. While “Vez Primera” was five minutes of starry, Technicolor scenes, “Azúcar Morena” is a black-and-white portrait of longing that places Morrison at a leisurely, ultra-classy dinner party (and one we wish we’d gotten the invite for).

The video’s old-school-cinema quality pairs perfectly with the delicate, super romantic track, and Morrison and the Broducers take their time here: Each shot is meticulous and deliberate, chronicling a series of wistful glances and eager touches as Morrison pines after a love interest at the get-together. Morrison’s gaze is dreamy (and punctuated by some on point cat-eye, thanks to great styling from Fana Adjani), and the video captures Morrison completely smitten.

Or so she would have us think. As usual, the Mexican singer-songwriter is never quite as literal as she seems, and always has some sort of original twist to sign off her work. This video’s no exception, but you’ll have to pour yourself a glass of wine and watch above to see what she’s got in store this time.

“Azúcar Morena” might be laid-back and languid, but things won’t be slow-moving for Morrison for long. She’s got a tour coming up this fall, and you can catch her on the following dates:

Sept. 16, San Diego: The Observatory North Park

Sept. 20, Los Angeles: The Novo by Microsoft

Sept. 29, San Francisco: The Regency Ballroom

Oct. 2, Chicago: Concord Music Hall 

Oct. 6, New York: PlayStation Theater