
Watch New Gallo Lester Vid Feat. Dancing Elves, Hindi Dancers & Other Controversial Collaborators

KIKIRIKIKIIII…Do you hear that gente? That’s the sound of a new Domi-Boricua collab under the belt of El Gallo Lester.

Though we recently learned that it was not Rita Indiana singing under the alias of “La Montra” on El Gallo’s recent tracks, we’re still looking for the mystery voice (he’s been very coy on the matter and will not reveal who it is). But now, we are very excited to premiere El Gallo’s video for “La Gallera” featuring a stellar line up of collaborators such as Calle 13, Canserbero (RIP), Quirino, Leonel Fernández merenguiando, Amable Aristy Castro, Miguel Vargas Maldonado & Hipólito Mejía dressed as an elf doing splits.

All of this is El Gallo’s unique way of pissing off half of DR (those over 40, particularly) by making cut-and-paste videos of political commentary, videos of war torn peoples and angry lyrics. This, in what can only be called an urban artistic revolution and a call for both masked and unmasked superheroes to get completely desakataos. For those of you out there not batting #teamdominican, let us briefly explain what un desakate is.

  • des • ah • kah • tar (verb) : to unwind to the max; aka una nota loca, get one’s drank on.