
One More Week To Download Tonossepia’s Blood-Pumping Amordisco 

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Less than a month ago, Chilean electronic music imprint Discos Pegaos gave us a notable hip-hop-centric EP by Blit, and now they’re ready to keep delivering goodies. Their latest release is a brand new EP by Santiago scene veteran Diego Vergara, better known as Tonossepia, and it’s called Amordisco.

Vergara, who’s also a member of Colectivo Etéreo, stretches the possibilities of his interpretation of the classic house sounds throughout three dance floor-ready tracks. He jumps from the beautiful landscapes of “Gramsci pintaba mandalas,” embellished with plucked harp samples, to “Amalar el noema,” which can be easily pictured working in an early-90s New York City ballroom. Closing the EP, “Amordisco” starts with an infectious bass line that immediately gets the blood pumping, only to unravel seconds later into his take on piano house (is that a Leo Dan sample we hear?)

Amordisco will be available to download for free for one more week, so go indulge yourself with some Tonossepia goodness at the Discos Pegaos website.