
Get Deep Inside Joyce Santana’s 3:00 AM Thoughts

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Joyce Santana just pulled a Beyoncé on his fans by releasing his latest single “3:00 AM” without any type of promotion.

This rapper from Carolina, PR is a member of the LV CIUDVD crew, and this latest track displays the lyricism he’s known for. Over a sample of Fiona Apple’s “Every Single Night,” Joyce takes the opportunity to not only showcase his flow, but also send a powerful message about depression.

At the end of the song Joyce takes the time to talk to all of those who may be out there listening:

“…el suicidio en los jóvenes cada vez es mas frecuente, caras vemos y situaciones no sabemos…Ama..deja que te amen,pero sobre todo amate/Nadie pensara en ti mas que tu mismo, y ya la vida es demasiado corta como para tomar una decisión precipitada. Y gracias por sacar de tu tiempo para escucharme porque mas que una canción quería llevar un mensaje y es que NO ESTAS SOLO.”

Joyce Santana “solo quiere seguir siendo Joyce” and I hope that when he really blows up (because it’s just a matter of time) he never changes. The industry needs more artists like this, the ones who use their talents not just for their own benefit, but to reach others who can only find comfort in music therapy.