Maifersoni has been dubbed a pop composer, but he’s certainly more than that. He describes his second album, Maiferland (acto de amor), as a cohesive conjunction of pop and experimental sounds and that’s exactly why tags like “experimental pop” or “space pop” fall short as well.
The production triad of De Janeiros and Maifersoni builds such a strong wall of sound out of every one of the 12 songs on the LP that if it were more raw and guitar driven it would be addressed as shoegaze. Since the music is more focused on creating big, embracing atmospheres based on synthesizers, this is not the case, but a shoegaze sensitivity should be pointed out. They’re not afraid to push these songs to their limits, to exhaust the listener with the immensity of their sound.
The songs usually build an atmosphere quickly where we find his strong lyricism. Then, in the middle of the song, the melody turns into something else and suddenly there are more layers piling up for a grand finale, and then they’re gone. It’s like the songs evolve before your ears every time.
Maiferland is an extension of the name Maifersoni for a reason. Elgueta claims the LP shows the many possibilities he has imagined for his sound. These roads are vast and yet cohesive, a clear sign of his capacity to present a record like no other.
We asked Maifersoni to pick his favorite tracks off the album and below he gives us some insight into their styles and processes. You can listen to Maiferland in full above to find your own favorites.
- “Partners” & “Las Flores Más Hermosas se Marchitan”: The door to the album. It takes from where the last record Telar Deslizante left off when it combines both songs. These two songs really represent Maiferland’s sound in its experimental and pop branches.
- “Invocación”: To me, the best composition on the record.
- “En los Pastos de la Plaza”: My biggest raid into pop territory.
- “La Gloriosa Generación del 85”: It represents the simpler side of Maiferland, a setting comprised of guitar, bass, and drums.
- “Idahue” or “Picorcos de Guanaqueros”: Just because I love them and they both feel like a journey.