
Meridian Brothers, Los Suicidas Get 8-Bit with “Vertigo – Bolero” 

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Are you excited about Meridian Brothers‘ appearance at Festival NRMAL in a few weeks? Eblis Alvarez and his band of talented and lovable oddballs have once again created yet another off-kilter track in “Vertigo – Bolero” to keep you hyped up about their upcoming festival appearance.

The track is an ode to the organ, an instrument central to the band’s sound and style. As Alvarez explained, the idea behind the song and upcoming EP “is to create quasi impossible pieces for the organ/synth using traditional latin-american (sometimes cheesy) styles.” In this case, the cheesy style is very chiptune in nature, giving it an 8-bit feel.

The song (and EP, for that matter) is a collaboration with Los Suicidas, who could either be the best new artist we need to know about or just another figment of Alvarez’s limitless imagination.